Kris Coolhart LMT, NCBTMB, CPT

About Me


   Originally from Springfield and attending Greenon High School I left for schooling and spent over twenty years in Syracuse, NY.  I am a graduate of Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage and am a member of the American Massage Therapy Association. I am nationally board licensed through NCBTMB as well as licensed by the States of Ohio and New York in Massage Therapy. I am excited to have moved back to Ohio to be near my family.

   My specialization is in Orthopedic Massage and I am certified by The Center for Pain Management under James Waslaski, LMT.  I also hold a Bachelors Degree in Psychology. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and a Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

   As a life-long athlete and college soccer goalkeeper, I have experienced many sports related injuries including: Sciatica, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, and Rotator Cuff Strains leading to Frozen Shoulders. I spent many years in pain in search of effective treatments.

Finally, through Orthopedic Massage, I am now symptom free with full range of motion at every joint!  I am passionate about the possibilities of these techniques facilitating healing for those living in pain.



"I have had back problems for many years and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Four years ago, I underwent double tarsal tunnel release on both heels. Since then I have had numbness in both feet and trouble walking without the support of expensive sneakers and foot supports. I deal with pain constantly and have had a couple of flare-ups which I thought were sciatic in origin that have affected my ability to walk, climb stairs and perform my daily tasks."
"Recently, I was referred by my chiropractor to Kris. In only one session with her, I knew she was going to help me. I was totally impressed with her knowledge of the anatomy and muscular structure. Her quick assessment of my particular situation was amazing and the instant relief I got was reassuring."
"I also am maintaining my muscular structure and my activity level has improved 80%. The numbness in my feet has dramatically lessened. I feel that had I been referred to her long ago I might never had reached the point I did and very possibly could have avoided surgery. She has taught me so much about my body and muscular structure and how to relieve the pain myself.

I can not speak highly enough of Kris and her treatments. I believe that everyone would benefit from this type of treatment as a form of preventative medicine. I have raved about her to my podiatrist and he recommended that I keep up with the sessions as he sees a dramatic improvement in my feet."

Sally Viele Syracuse, NY